
  • The Return Home

    I returned here to my childhood bedroom with a renewed sense of self. Queerness defined me regarding gender identity, sexuality, and heritage. The Florida State Legislature threatened these parts of me. The erasure of Black History courses further intimidated the decision to return to a small town. 

  • What is Cisgender? Why does it matter?

    I wrote this post for Queer people and those still confused about the meaning of cisgender. Our identities help decipher thoughts about happiness, love, and success. Whether we are Queer or not our lives are a story about self-acceptance. Terms like “cisgender” work to help us understand the context of our lives and others. 

  • Queer As Folk – Review

    The following article review is a review of the show Queer As Folk, both the 2000 version and reboot. Spoilers ahead. Discussions about Queer television and history are included.

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